statistiche web gratis
The website is still under development and testing. You can sign up to try out the features but no payment will be accepted or issued until the website is officially opened.

Il sito web è ancora in fase di sviluppo e test. Puoi registrarti per provare le funzionalità, ma nessun pagamento sarà accettato o emesso fino all'apertura ufficiale del sito web.

QR codes

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
Parametri Details Description
page Opzionale Intero Il numero di pagina da cui vuoi visualizzare i risultati. Predefinito a 1.
results_per_page Opzionale Intero Quanti risultati vuoi per pagina. Valori consentiti: 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , 500 , 1000. Predefinito a 25.
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "type": "url", "name": "Example name", "qr_code": "", "qr_code_logo": null, "qr_code_background": null, "settings": { "foreground_type": "color", "foreground_color": "#000000", "background_color": "#ffffff", "custom_eyes_color": false, "qr_code_logo_size": 25, "size": 500, "margin": 0, "ecc": "L", "url": "" ... }, "embedded_data": "", "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" }, ], "meta": { "page": 1, "results_per_page": 25, "total": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "links": { "first": "", "last": "", "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "" } }
curl --request GET \
--url '{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
{ "data": { "id": 1, "type": "url", "name": "Example name", "qr_code": "", "qr_code_logo": null, "qr_code_background": null, "settings": { "foreground_type": "color", "foreground_color": "#000000", "background_color": "#ffffff", "custom_eyes_color": false, "qr_code_logo_size": 25, "size": 500, "margin": 0, "ecc": "L", "url": "" ... }, "embedded_data": "", "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" } }
Parametri Details Description
project_id Opzionale Intero -
name Richiesto Stringa -
type Richiesto Stringa Allowed values: text, url, phone, sms, email, whatsapp, facetime, location, wifi, event, vcard, crypto, paypal, upi, epc, pix
is_bulk Opzionale Booleano Available when: type = text
style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, dot, round, diamond, heart
inner_eye_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, dot, rounded, diamond, flower, leaf
outer_eye_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, circle, rounded, flower, leaf
foreground_type Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: color, gradient
foreground_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = color
foreground_gradient_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial
foreground_gradient_one Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = gradient
foreground_gradient_two Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = gradient
background_color Opzionale Stringa
background_color_transparency Opzionale Intero
custom_eyes_color Opzionale Booleano
eyes_inner_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: custom_eyes_color = 1
eyes_outer_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: custom_eyes_color = 1
qr_code_logo Opzionale File -
qr_code_logo_size Opzionale Intero 5-35
qr_code_background Opzionale File -
qr_code_background_transparency Opzionale Intero 0-100
qr_code_foreground Opzionale File -
qr_code_foreground_transparency Opzionale Intero 0-100
frame Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: round_bottom_text, round_top_text, tooltip_bottom_text, tooltip_top_text, ribbon_bottom_text, ribbon_top_text, tooltip_snap_top_text, tooltip_snap_bottom_text
frame_text Opzionale Stringa
frame_text_size Opzionale Intero -5 - 5
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frame_custom_colors Opzionale Booleano
frame_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: frame_custom_colors = 1
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size Opzionale Intero 50-2000
margin Opzionale Intero 0-25
ecc Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: L, M, Q, H
text Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = text
url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = url
phone Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = phone
sms Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = sms
sms_body Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = sms
email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = email
whatsapp Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = whatsapp
whatsapp_body Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = whatsapp
facetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = facetime
location_latitude Opzionale Float Available when: type = location
location_longitude Opzionale Float Available when: type = location
wifi_ssid Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = wifi
wifi_encryption Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: nopass, WEP, WPA/WPA2, H (type=wifi)
wifi_password Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = wifi
wifi_is_hidden Opzionale Booleano Available when: type = wifi
event Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_location Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_timezone Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_start_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_end_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_first_alert_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_second_alert_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
crypto_coin Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
crypto_address Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
crypto_amount Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
vcard_first_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_last_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_company Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_phone_number_label[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_phone_number_value[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_job_title Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_birthday Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_street Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_city Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_zip Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_region Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_country Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_social_label[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_social_value[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
paypal_type Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: buy_now, add_to_cart, donation (type=paypal)
paypal_email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_title Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_price Opzionale Float Available when: type = paypal
paypal_thank_you_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_cancel_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
upi_payee_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_reference Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_thank_you_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
epc_iban Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = epc
epc_bic Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_remittance_reference Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_remittance_text Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
information Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
pix_payee_key Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = pix
pix_city Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_transaction_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_description Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
Parametri Details Description
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=New York' \
--form 'type=text' \
--form 'text=Hello!' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
Parametri Details Description
project_id Opzionale Stringa -
name Opzionale Stringa -
type Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: text, url, phone, sms, email, whatsapp, facetime, location, wifi, event, vcard, crypto, paypal, upi, epc, pix
style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, dot, round, diamond, heart
inner_eye_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, dot, rounded, diamond, flower, leaf
outer_eye_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: square, circle, rounded, flower, leaf
foreground_type Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: color, gradient
foreground_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = color
foreground_gradient_style Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial
foreground_gradient_one Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = gradient
foreground_gradient_two Opzionale Stringa Available when: foreground_type = gradient
background_color Opzionale Stringa
background_color_transparency Opzionale Intero 0 - 100
custom_eyes_color Opzionale Booleano
eyes_inner_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: custom_eyes_color = 1
eyes_outer_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: custom_eyes_color = 1
qr_code_logo Opzionale File -
qr_code_logo_size Opzionale Intero 5-35
qr_code_background Opzionale File -
qr_code_background_transparency Opzionale Intero 0-100
qr_code_foreground Opzionale File -
qr_code_foreground_transparency Opzionale Intero 0-100
frame Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: round_bottom_text, round_top_text, tooltip_bottom_text, tooltip_top_text, ribbon_bottom_text, ribbon_top_text, tooltip_snap_top_text, tooltip_snap_bottom_text
frame_text Opzionale Stringa
frame_text_size Opzionale Intero -5 -> 5
frame_text_font Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: times_new_roman, georgia, courier, arial, helvetica, verdana, tahoma, trebuchet_ms, courier_new, lucida_console, monaco, comic_sans_ms, impact
frame_custom_colors Opzionale Booleano
frame_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: frame_custom_colors = 1
frame_text_color Opzionale Stringa Available when: frame_custom_colors = 1
size Opzionale Intero 50-2000
margin Opzionale Intero 0-25
ecc Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: L, M, Q, H
text Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = text
url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = url
phone Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = phone
sms Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = sms
sms_body Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = sms
email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = email
whatsapp Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = whatsapp
whatsapp_body Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = whatsapp
facetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = facetime
location_latitude Opzionale Float Available when: type = location
location_longitude Opzionale Float Available when: type = location
wifi_ssid Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = wifi
wifi_encryption Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: nopass, WEP, WPA/WPA2, H (type=wifi)
wifi_password Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = wifi
wifi_is_hidden Opzionale Booleano Available when: type = wifi
event Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_location Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_timezone Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_start_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_end_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_first_alert_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
event_second_alert_datetime Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = event
crypto_coin Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
crypto_address Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
crypto_amount Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = crypto
vcard_first_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_last_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_company Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_phone_number_label[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_phone_number_value[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_job_title Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_birthday Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_street Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_city Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_zip Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_region Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_country Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_social_label[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
vcard_social_value[index] Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = vcard
paypal_type Opzionale Stringa Allowed values: buy_now, add_to_cart, donation (type=paypal)
paypal_email Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_title Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_price Opzionale Float Available when: type = paypal
paypal_thank_you_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
paypal_cancel_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = paypal
upi_payee_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_note Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_transaction_reference Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
upi_thank_you_url Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = upi
epc_iban Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = epc
epc_bic Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_remittance_reference Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
epc_remittance_text Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
information Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = epc
pix_payee_key Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_payee_name Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_currency Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_amount Opzionale Float Available when: type = pix
pix_city Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_transaction_id Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
pix_description Opzionale Stringa Available when: type = pix
curl --request POST \
--url '{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Las Vegas' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
curl --request DELETE \
--url '{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \